Parents And Carers

At school  our learners follow a planned  careers programme in years 7 through to year 13. All staff  at Gateacre have a role in the careers programme to ensure that each learner receives  quality careers information at the times that they need it.  

As a parent or carer you can expect to:

  • Be able to make an appointment with a member of staff or specialist adviser to discuss your son /daughter's progress and future prospects 
  • Have access to tutors, subject teachers, learning partners and specialist advisers
  • Be invited to look at schemes of work, and careers activities, information and resources, using and contributing to them if  you wish 
  • Receive invitations to take part in careers and information events such as ‘Transition Choices’  and careers days
  • Have the opportunity to comment on the usefulness of the careers programme to you chilld and how it could be improved

As a parent /carer you play a vital role in supporting our careers program, together we can support your son or daughter on their future career path. We are keen to work with you  to develop the employability skills and qualities to set our young people up for life , we need to give your child the tools that they need to succeed in whichever  walk of life that they wish to follow.

If you would like to contribute to the careers programme we would love to hear from you, please contact:


Mrs J.Boyd


Please select this document which gives and overview of Careers at Gateacre school

 Gateacre Careers Programme

To See a list of websites and useful links please click link below to visit our "students" page which includes a long list of sites:

My Child's teachers are fantastic and communication has been excellent throughout his time in school.
Year 11 Parent